The course aims to provide managers and staff working in Operations and professionals with management responsibilities in operational processes with the basic knowledge and practical tools to understand and apply the principles and techniques of management control, with particular reference to operational processes. After an in-depth look at management control as a fundamental governance tool, the program will delve into measuring strategy through fundamental numbers, monitoring strategy through reporting, translating strategy into action (the balanced scorecard), and costing for operational management, including through the use of the main control software applications The course is conducted in collaboration with the Department of Economics,University of Perugia.
Andrea Cardoni Lecturer in Strategic Analysis, Business Planning and Company Evaluations, he also conducts corporate training. His research focuses on the topics of governance, strategy, performance measurement and reporting, including through operational research projects carried out in collaboration with companies.
Fabio Santini He is an associate professor of Business Administration in the Department of Economics at the University of Perugia where he teaches Planning and Control, Advanced Management Accounting and Accounting for Management. He is President of the “Conference on Management Accounting and Control” – EIASM (European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management) and is a member of the scientific committee of national and international business journals.
Target audience
Managers and employees working in management control and in the Operations Area, including those without specific training in the field, Professionals with management responsibilities in operational processes, Employees involved in operational processes, interested in developing skills in monitoring and optimizing activities through advanced management tools, Management control managers and analysts, Workers in other business areas who wish to acquire practical and strategic skills to contribute to the improvement of business processes.